Make Microsoft Outlook Default Mail Client Mac

Make microsoft outlook default mail client mac download

Answer: Launch the Mail client in OS X (it's inside the Applications folder) and then go to Mail Preferences. Click on the General tab and look for 'Default email reader'. Select another mail client or browser from the drop down menu and then close the Preferences window. Mar 28, 2013  In this video tutorial we will show you how to set Microsoft Outlook as the default email client on Mac. Launch your favorite browser and test that the email link opens a 'new mail' window of. Nov 05, 2014  I appreciate the tip, but this doesn't appear to resolve my issue. I have confirmed that the default Email client is MS Outlook, but sending Email from within an application still chooses Mac Mail. E.g., I wanted to email a photo from Finder; pulled up context menu, chose 'New Email with Attachment.' And up pops the Mac Mail client again.

Change your default web browser

  1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple () menu.
  2. Click General.
  3. Choose your web browser from the ”Default web browser” pop-up menu.

Change your default email app

Set Outlook Default Mail Client Mac

  1. Open Mail.
  2. Choose Preferences from the Mail menu, then click General. Or, if you're prompted to set up an email account, add your account, then choose Preferences from the Mail menu.*
  3. Choose your email app from the ”Default email reader” pop-up menu.

Mac Change Default Email Client

* You can also set your default email app in the preferences of your third-party email app.