Microsoft Word Header Mac

  1. Microsoft Word Mac Header
  2. Microsoft Word Header Macbook Pro
  3. Microsoft Word Header Page Number
  4. Microsoft Word Header Color
  5. Microsoft Word Mac Different Header Each Page

You can create headers and footers in Microsoft Word that repeat the same text at the top or bottom of each page. For example, if you’re typing the minutes of a club meeting, you may want to put the club’s name in the header so that it appears across the top of each page.

Nov 26, 2019 This document contains instructions for doing a 'Different first page' for Microsoft Word for Mac and Windows. For Mac Word 2016: Select Insert on the ribbon then Header or Footer (2) Select Edit Header (3) Select your preferred options. Select Close Header and Footer For Word version 2007 and newer. Go to Insert on the Ribbon, click on the.

Microsoft Word Header Mac

Every document has a header and footer area, which are both empty by default. The header and footer appear in Print Layout view, Full Page Reading view, and Web Layout view, and also on the printed page. (If you are in Draft view, you may want to switch to Print Layout view to follow along in this section more easily.)

Here are two ways of putting content into headers and footers:

  • Manually: In Print Layout view, double-click in the header or footer of the page. (Choose View→Print Layout.) This puts you in the Header and Footer editing mode, where you can type text directly into those areas.

    You can’t edit the body of the document while you’re in this mode. To resume working within the main part of the document, double-click the main document (anywhere below the header or above the footer).

  • Have Word help: Choose Insert→Header or Insert→Footer and then select a preformatted header or footer placeholder. This also places you in Header and Footer editing mode automatically, and you can edit the text in the placeholders that were inserted. Depending on the sample you pick, there may be not only a text placeholder but also a page-numbering code. This saves you the step of inserting the page-numbering code separately.

You can manually insert a page-numbering code into a header or footer as well as codes for the current date, time, and other information. When the insertion point is in the header or footer area, the Header & Footer Tools Design tab appears on the Ribbon. On that tab are buttons for inserting various types of codes like that.

In the check boxes in the Options group, you can specify that you want a different header and footer for the first page (for example, so you can have a cover page without header and footer text), or that you want separate headers and footers for odd and even pages (for example, for a double-sided booklet where the page numbers should always be on the outside edge).

In the Position group, you can control the amount of space allotted to the header and footer. By default, each is 1/2-inch tall. You can change these values in the Header from Top and Footer from Bottom list boxes.

Microsoft Word Mac Header

When you’re done working with the header and footer, double-click the main body of the document, or click the Close Header and Footer button on the Design tab.

Some documents need the same information, such as your name, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address, to appear on every page. You can place this information as headers or footers in Word for Mac documents. Headers or footers will appear on every page of a document.

1With your document open, choose View→Print Layout. Then choose View→Header and Footer.

You need to be in Print Layout view because you can’t see the header or footer in Draft view.

2Click anywhere inside the header or footer and type your text.

The text will then appear on every page.

Microsoft Word Header Macbook Pro

3Click anywhere in the footer area and then choose View-- >Formatting Palette to open the Formatting Palette. Expand the Formatting Palette’s Header and Footer panel.

Microsoft Word Header Page Number

The Formatting Palette enables you to include the page number, date, and time within your header or footer.

4Set the options you prefer.


Microsoft Word Header Color

Different First Pagelets you have a different header and footer (or no header and footer) on the first page of your document. Different Odd and Even Pages lets you create different headers and footers for odd- and even-numbered pages. Hide Body Text causes everything between the header and footer to disappear from the screen. And Header from Top and Footer from Bottom lets you move the header down and/or the footer up.

Microsoft Word Mac Different Header Each Page

The default for headers and footers is 0.5 inches, which means the header begins half an inch down from the top of the page and the footer ends half an inch up from the bottom of the page.