Mac Keychain Microsoft Teams Cache

  1. Microsoft Keychain Mac
  2. Clear Microsoft Teams Cache Mac
  3. Mac Keychain Microsoft Teams Cache Center
  4. Office 365
  5. Mac Keychain Microsoft Teams Cache Download

In the Keychain Access app on your Mac, choose File Add Keychain. Select the deleted keychain file. You can also open the Keychain file in the Finder or, if you use Time Machine to back up your files, you can restore the file with Time Machine. Keychains are usually located in the Keychains folder in the Library folder in your home folder.



This article describes how to do a clean uninstallation of Microsoft Skype for Business on Mac.


Mac Keychain Microsoft Teams Cache

To cleanly uninstall Skype of Business on Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to your computer by using administrative credentials.

  2. Exit Skype For Business on Mac if it's running.

  3. Drag the Skype For Business on Mac application to the Trash.

  4. Remove existing Skype preferences if those hidden files exist. To do so, run the following commands in a Terminal:

    • sudo rm -rf /Applications/Skype for
    • sudo rm -rf /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MeetingJoinPlugin.plugin
    • defaults delete || true
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Skype for Business_*
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Saved Application State/
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/Skype for Business_*
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/*
    • rm -rf ~/Library/Cookies/*
    • sudo rm -rf /private/var/db/receipts/*
    • rmdir ~/Library/Application Scripts/
    • find -f /private/var/db/BootCaches/* -name '*' -exec sudo rm -rf {} +
  5. In the Applications/Utilities folder, open Keychain Access.

  6. In your logon keychains, delete Skype for Business.

More Information

Microsoft Keychain Mac

If you plan to reinstall Skype for Business on Mac later, you can download the program.

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The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.

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Clear Microsoft Teams Cache Mac

Keychain Access User Guide

You can delete a keychain. You might want to do this if, for example, you’ve forgotten the password or you’re transferring a computer to someone else.

Important: If you delete a keychain, all its information is deleted. But you can recover its items later as long as you know its password.

Mac Keychain Microsoft Teams Cache Center

Delete a keychain

Office 365

  1. In the Keychain Access app on your Mac, if keychains are hidden, choose View > Show Keychains.

  2. Select a keychain in the Keychains list.

  3. Choose File > Delete Keychain [keychain name].

  4. Click Delete References.

Recover items stored in a deleted keychain

If you deleted a keychain because you forgot the password, then remember your password later, you can recover the items stored in the deleted keychain.

Mac Keychain Microsoft Teams Cache Download

  1. In the Keychain Access app on your Mac, choose File > Add Keychain.

  2. Select the deleted keychain file.

    You can also open the Keychain file in the Finder or, if you use Time Machine to back up your files, you can restore the file with Time Machine. Keychains are usually located in the Keychains folder in the Library folder in your home folder.