Table Autofit On Mac Microsoft Word


Mac Microsoft Word Free Download

2020-4-2  How to insert formula to sum a column or row of table in Word? You may know how to sum or calculate data in Excel, but do you know how to sum the data in a column or row of a table in Word document? Let’s talk about the methods of calculate the data in a table in Word. Sum a column of a table in Word. Sum a row of a table in Word.

Determines how Microsoft Word resizes a table when the AutoFit feature is used.


expression. AutoFitBehavior( _Behavior_ )

Table Autofit On Mac Microsoft Word 14

expression Required. A variable that represents a 'Table' object.


NameRequired/OptionalData typeDescription
BehaviorRequiredWdAutoFitBehaviorHow Word resizes the specified table with the AutoFit feature is used.


Word can resize the table based on the content of the table cells or the width of the document window. You can also use this method to turn off AutoFit so that the table size is fixed, regardless of cell contents or window width.

Table Autofit On Mac Microsoft Word

Setting the AutoFitBehavior property to wdAutoFitContent or wdAutoFitWindow sets the AllowAutoFit property to True if it is currently False. Likewise, setting the AutoFitBehavior property to wdAutoFitFixed sets the AllowAutoFit property to False if it is currently True.


This example sets the AutoFit behavior for the first table in the active document to automatically resize based on the width of the document window.

See also

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