Mac Microsoft Office Problem Drop Down Menues

How to insert a drop down list in Word?

In Word, Drop down list is a good content control for users to select one of preset values from pull-down menu. This article will show you the detailed steps to insert a drop down list in your Word document.

2015-11-14  If the menu control is a drop down, the drop down won't appear and won't the control won't work in office products like Outlook, Word,Excel etc. For example, if you want to add a reminder to an email and when you click the follow up icon on the Outlook for an email. It is supposed to give you a drop down to select the flags or add a reminder.

One click to insert checkbox symbol or checkbox (content control) in Word

In general, you can insert a checkbox symbol with finding it from symbol library, or insert a checkable checkbox control with enabling Developer tab and adding such a content control. Both seem not easy! Do not worry! Kutools for Word provides a Check Box feature, not only supports a various kinds of checkbox symbols, but also can help you insert checkable checkbox control with only one click easily! Click for 60-day free trial!

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Insert a drop down list in Word

Mac Microsoft Office Problem Drop Down Menus For Kids

To insert a drop down list in a Word document, please do as follows:

1. Click File > Options.

2. In the opening Word Options dialog box, please (1) click Customize Ribbon in left bar, (2) check Developer in the right box, and (3) click the OK button. See screenshot:

Mac microsoft office problem drop down menus for kids

3. Now the Developer tab is added in the Word Ribbon. Please click Developer > Drop-Down List Content Control button. See screenshot:

4. Now a new drop down list is inserted in current document. Go ahead to click Developer > Properties. See screenshot:

5. In the Content Control Properties dialog box, please:
(1) name the drop down list in the Title box;
(2) click the Add button in the Drop-Down List Properties section;
(3) In the Add Choice dialog box, type one choice in the Display Name box and click the OK button;
(4) Repeat above step (2) and (3) to add other choices for the drop down list;

6. Click the OK button in the Content Control Properties dialog box.

Mac Microsoft Office Problem Drop Down Menus For Windows 10

So far, you have inserted a drop down list with specified title and choices in your Word document. See screenshot:

Tabbed browsing & editing multiple Word documents as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explore 10!

You may be familiar to view multiple webpages in Firefox/Chrome/IE, and switch between them by clicking corresponding tabs easily. Here, Office Tab supports similar processing, which allow you to browse multiple Word documents in one Word window, and easily switch between them by clicking their tabs. Click for full features free trial!

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    How to insert the content control on your developer
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      Hi Elna,
      Kutools provides to insert Checkboxes (content controls) quickly with several clicks.
      Under the Kutools tab, click the Check Box button, and there is a Check Box Content Control command in the drop down list.
-->Mac Microsoft Office Problem Drop Down Menues

A drop-down menu appears when the user clicks its label, which remains visible when the menu is hidden. Drop-down menus are typically grouped together in a menu bar, just under the title bar of a surface. Common drop-down menus and their commands are shown in the following table.

Standard Drop-down Menu CommandDescription


Contains commands pertaining to an entire file or resource, such as: New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Send To, Print, and Exit.


Contains editing commands (usually pertaining to a subset of a file, such as a selected item), such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, Find, Replace, and Delete. The commands on this menu also appear on the shortcut menu of a selected object.


Contains commands that change the appearance of the surface, such as Toolbars, Status Bar, Large/Small Icons, Details, Thumbnails, Arrange Icons, Choose Columns, Customize, and Refresh. The commands on this menu also appear on the shortcut menu for the surface.


Contains commands that open additional information, such as Help Topics and About [component name].

The default drop-down menu commands differ in MMC. For more information about the standard MMC menu commands, see the Actions Pane topic

See Also

Mac Microsoft Office Problem Drop Down Menus Near Me


Mac Microsoft Office Problem Drop Down Menus 2017

Access Keys
Check Boxes
Option Buttons
Shortcut Menus
Title Bars